Coach Steven

Assistant Coach

Coach Steven is a proud father of a 2-year-old son, Dacio, who keeps him on his toes when he’s not busy running around with our Mini Bouncers!

He was always involved in sports growing up – growing a keen passion for football and martial arts in particular, and he is an avid weight lifter.

In his spare time, Steven enjoys working out and spending time with his wife, Bethzy, son, and his two beloved British bulldogs. (Lilo & Russell)


What’s your favorite sport? Football. (Not to be confused with soccer!)

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Time travel.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Get up and try again!

Which 3 items would you bring to a desert island? Water, blanket, cellphone.

What’s your best place you’ve ever visited and why? Cancun, Mexico
What would you do if you won a million dollars? Buy a cozy house

Who’s your idol/biggest inspiration? God and my family

What are your favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni & Bacon

What was your favorite book/tv show/movie as a kid? Holes, the magic school bus, the rescuers.

Are you a Morning bird or night owl? The early bird catches the worm!

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