
Assistant Program Director/Head of Operations

Originally from the UK, Ornella received a BA in Communication before moving to the US 12 years ago.

With a solid background in HR and customer relations, Ornella has become an invaluable part of the Bounce team – liaising with customers, overseeing the day-to-day running of our park classes in conjunction with the City of Beverly Hills and heading-up our HR department as the team grows.

Ornella is a mom to an extremely active seven-year-old boy called Harrison and when she’s not working or chauffeuring him back and forth from school and to playdates, she loves doing Zumba classes, watching reality TV, and snuggling with her 4 rescue animals!


What’s your favorite sport? Martial Arts.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Reading minds.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Trust your instincts.

Which 3 items would you bring to a desert island? A solar-powered speaker, a duvet & a lighter.

What’s your best place you’ve ever visited and why? Mexico – I travelled off the beaten path and fell in love with its beauty and history.

What would you do if you won a million dollars? Buy a house.

Who’s your idol/biggest inspiration? My sister, Yolanda.

What are your favorite pizza toppings? Classic cheese all the way!

What was your favorite book/tv show/movie as a kid? HeMan and Denver the Last Dinosaur.

Are you a morning bird or night owl? A night owl.

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